AyreBoundJoel IvanyKyrie KristmansonMedia ReleaseOpera PubUncategorized Against the Grain 19/20 Season Press Release Against the Grain celebrates 10 seasons of edgy, visionary opera. Against the Grain Theatre (AtG)…Robin WhifenJuly 11, 2019
BoundCanadian Opera CompanyJoel IvanyKyrie KristmansonMedia ReleaseOpera PubOrpheeUpcoming Against the Grain Theatre #GoForBaroque in 2017/2018 season FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 26 September, 2017 A Handel mash-up and an international co-production comprise AtG’s…Robin WhifenSeptember 26, 2017
Kyrie KristmansonUpcoming Oct 13: AtG Concert with Kyrie Kristmanson & the Warhol Dervish Quartet Buy ticketsNew this season, we're proud to collaborate with Canadian baroque-pop artist Kyrie Kristmanson for the…Robin WhifenSeptember 24, 2017