BoundMedia ReleaseUpcoming AtG Announces New Film BOUND For Immediate Release: March 8th, 2022 AGAINST THE GRAIN THEATRE’S NEW FILM BOUND TO RAISE TOUGH QUESTIONS…Robin WhifenMarch 3, 2022
BoundJoel IvanyPressUpcoming A message from AtG on COVID-19 and BOUND Dear members of the AtG community, To help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, Against the…Robin WhifenMarch 17, 2020
AyreBoundJoel IvanyKyrie KristmansonMedia ReleaseOpera PubUncategorized Against the Grain 19/20 Season Press Release Against the Grain celebrates 10 seasons of edgy, visionary opera. Against the Grain Theatre (AtG)…Robin WhifenJuly 11, 2019
BoundJoel IvanyPressUpcoming What does opera in the age of Trumpism look like? #AtGBOUND FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 18 October, 2018 Kevin Lau’s newly commissioned opera BOUND v. 2 in concert performance with Toronto's…Robin WhifenOctober 18, 2018
AyreBoundKopernikusOpera PubPress Against the Grain Theatre goes CanCon for pivotal 9th season FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 25 September 2018 AtG presents Handel revisited through a contemporary Canadian lens, and Kopernikus…Robin WhifenSeptember 25, 2018
Bound Your tickets to Orphée⁺ ???? What You Need to Know Your visit to The Underworld Doors open at 7:30pm. Orphée⁺ begins at 8pm, and is…Robin WhifenApril 26, 2018
Bound Your tickets to BOUND ???? What You Need to Know Your visit to The State Doors open at 7pm. BOUND begins at 8pm, and is…Robin WhifenDecember 14, 2017
Behind the scenesBoundCanadian Opera CompanyMedia ReleaseUpcoming Just announced: Screen and stage legend Martha Burns joins BOUND cast Gemini, Genie and Dora Award—winning actor Martha Burns joins the cast of BOUND (Dec 14–16, 2017).…Robin WhifenDecember 1, 2017
Behind the scenesBoundJoel IvanyMedia ReleasePress A mash-up of Handel’s music with a new transladaptation FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 31 October, 2017 BOUND uses baroque music to highlight stories of citizen displacement,…Robin WhifenNovember 16, 2017
BoundCanadian Opera CompanyJoel IvanyKyrie KristmansonMedia ReleaseOpera PubOrpheeUpcoming Against the Grain Theatre #GoForBaroque in 2017/2018 season FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 26 September, 2017 A Handel mash-up and an international co-production comprise AtG’s…Robin WhifenSeptember 26, 2017